
Expropriation involves the taking of privately owned land without the consent of an owner by a public body in order to carry out a public purpose. The Expropriations Act governs the expropriation process by expropriating authorities and the rights of expropriated owners, including the payment of compensation to expropriated owners.

We represent landowners, tenants, developers, homeowners, farmers, corporations and businesses throughout the expropriation process.  Before a formal expropriation, we advise landowners on the process and their rights and entitlements under the Expropriations Act. After a formal expropriation, we work with landowners to maximize their compensation under the Expropriations Act.

Our services are delivered with the aim of avoiding financial hardship to landowners and ensuring that landowners are fully and fairly compensated. 

We also represent expropriating authorities across Ontario to implement land acquisition and/or expropriation for various public projects. We assist expropriating authorities in acquiring the necessary interests in land, while meeting the timelines of the authority’s project.  We represent expropriating authorities in determining fair compensation payable to the owner through negotiated settlements, mediations, arbitrations before the Ontario Land Tribunal, and the courts.