Firm News

Public Statement Regarding February 6th Toronto Star Article

Public Statement Regarding February 6th Toronto Star Article : "Ad Critical of teachers unions linked to lawyer with Progressive Conservative connections"

"The views expressed by Vaughan Working Families and Vaughan Health Campus of Care are not the views of Loopstra Nixon LLP, its lawyers or its staff. Our firm is comprised of people who hold a wide variety of political opinions, all of which are welcome.

Loopstra Nixon Partner, Quinto Annibale, serves on the board of directors of the VHCC/Vaughan Working Families in his personal capacity. No other partner, lawyer or employee of Loopstra Nixon LLP had any knowledge of these advertisements prior to their publication, or made any contribution to the cost of these publications. 

We regularly act as the legal registered office for organizations who do not have a physical place of business. This is a standard practice in the legal industry. It is not uncommon for our firm to receive correspondence on behalf of community organizations and corporate entities who use our firm as their legally registered address.

As a matter of principle, we do not restrict our lawyers’ ability to advise and personally participate in community organizations and advocacy groups regardless of their political affiliation or viewpoint."